Hailee Top - You Are Enough!


The story behind the Hailee top 👇 

Hi! I’m Hailee! I want to share a little story with you. On 4/1/23 I was journaling lies I was believing about myself. Things like “I can't do anything right”, “I feel like a failure”, “I’m not beautiful enough”, and “I’m not wanted”. You see, in that moment, I was believing the lies from the devil himself and I asked God to reveal to me the deeply rooted lie I was believing that day and I heard “NOT GOOD ENOUGH”. So I prayed, and I opened my bible and starting combating every single one of those lies with God’s truth and wrote them all down to remind myself every time those thoughts came back.

Fast forward, 4/6/2023, just 5 days later I was in a therapy session and at the end of every session, my therapist has me pray. When I finished praying, my therapist said “while you were praying God told me he wanted me to tell you something”. “He wants me to tell you that YOU ARE ENOUGH!”

Cue the silence and the tears. I was speechless for a bit. Only God could do that and would do that. That day, God reminded me that I am enough because he is enough. If Christ took it ALL to the cross (and I believe he did) then there is nothing left to prove.

I am not what I do, what I did, what I haven’t done, or what anyone has said about me. I am a chosen, loved, daughter of the King and so are you!

DTG on Ivory Comfort Colors Tee
Comfortable unisex fit

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